The Show Must Go On



In January of 1985, Chris DeSoto cohearces John Gage into breaking some news to Roy that both Chris and Johnny know Roy doesn’t want to hear.   Chris’s request of Johnny forces the man to be an unwelcome messenger in Roy’s eyes.  A messenger Roy blames for Chris’s decision to drop out of college in favor of joining the fire department.    While Roy is trying to work through the disappointment his oldest son’s decision brings him, and the anger he feels towards his best friend in regards to this decision, his youngest son is on an outing with Johnny.   Despite Roy’s anger, he didn’t put a halt to Johnny’s plan of taking John to the circus for the boy’s sixth birthday.   By the time the day ends, Roy and a young girl named Heather Langford, learn just how deep the bonds of friendship run, and how much one friend is willing to do for another.


The events depicted in The Show Must Go On take place between the events depicted in No Easy Choice and Dancing With The Devil.   No Easy Choice and Dancing With The Devil can be found in Kenda’s Emergency! Library.




Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


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